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Micro Format, Inc.
Micro Format, Inc.
Est.1983 ~ On Line Since 1995

About Us

Since 1983, with corporate offices located near Chicago Illinois and with affiliated manufacturing facilities located in cities across the United States,
Micro Format provides Document Security Paper and Thermal Paper Products Nationwide.

Micro Format Inc. is a Product Development Company specializing in "high technology"
State of the Art Tamper Resistant, Anti Copy Security and Thermal Paper Products.

SecureGuard™ Security Paper Products
are manufactured 100% in the USA.

Micro Format means

In 1983, Micro Format was founded as both a Business Forms Company
and a manufacturer of technology paper and materials for use with
personal and home computers.

Since those early days, Micro Format has developed a wide range of
innovative digital materials and products.
These Papers and Materials fall into two product categories

  • Technology Paper and Materials for use in Color Ink Jet Printers
  • Security Paper and Documents
      Methods of product distribution fall into three categories:
    1. Retail Sales - Business to Consumer /Business to Business
    2. Wholesale Sales - Re-Sellers and Commercial Printers
    3. Bulk Product Sales - Business to Consumer /Business to Business
  • Technology PAPER and MATERIALS for use in Color Ink Jet Printers

    The Micro Format Imagination Gallery contains the Computer
    Industry's Largest Selection of Innovative Technology and Graphic
    Materials for Use in Color Ink Jet Printers.
    Imagination Gallery products are sold nationwide in retail stores,
    by direct marketing companies and by numerous re-sellers at computer
    and craft shows.

    In addition, a number of products are sold by distributors around
    the world.

    Retail sales are conducted by way of the Imagination gallery
    Web Site at www.paper-paper.com

    In 1999, after two years in development, Micro Format introduced
    SuperCal Ink Jet Decals. SuperCal Decals change the way arts,
    crafts and hobby projects were being decorated.

  • MICRO FORMAT - Security Paper Division

    With corporate offices located in Chicago Illinois and with affiliated
    manufacturing facilities located in cities across the United States,
    Micro Format is serving the nation with Document Security Paper Products.

    Since 1997, following approval of patent number 5,636,874 for a Temperature
    Sensitive Security Document, Security Paper and Documents have emerged
    as a growing market for which Micro Format has unique qualifications.
    With a 25 year background in the business forms industry combined with
    partnership arrangement that provide unique manufacturing capabilities,
    Micro Format has the ability to provide unique services to this growing
    niche market .

    1. Secure GuardTM Document Security Paper Products
      • Stock Security Paper and Documents
      • Security Background Paper
      • CASE STUDY
    2. Medical Security Paper
      • Secure Medical Prescription Paper
      • Custom Medical Prescription Paper
      • www.RxPaper.com

    3. Other Security Documents
    Aaron Singer - Steve Singer- Marilyn Singer

  • Aaron J. Singer - Wholesale Division

    Aaron Singer

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    Stephen A. Singer - Profile

    Stephen A. Singer, President of Micro Format Inc.,
    a U.S. Army Viet Nam Era Veteran, stationed with AFN Europe 1965-1967,
    has been a business forms industry leader for over three decades.
    Steve is a Certified Forms Consultant -- an accreditation earned
    through DMIA, the Document Management Industries Association
    (formerly The National Business Forms Association).
    He has invented numerous innovative paper products including
    Super Color® Ink Jet Embossing Paper,
    SuperCal Ink Jet Decals®, BANNER BAND® Pageless Computer Paper®,
    3-D/Virtual Reality Paper®, and SUPER COLOR Ink Jet Paper®.

    As a business forms professional in an effort to save money and
    increase productivity for his clients, Steve has designed many
    award winning business forms and systems.
    In 1978 he invented the "Continuous Universal Charge Card Depository Form"
    that changed the way many direct marketing companies processed
    their charge card orders.

    In 1997 he received patent #5,636,874 on his "Document Security System"
    that incorporates the use of thermochromatic "color change ink" technology.

    In 2008 along with co-inventor Irv Michlin, Steve co-invented Flip-Pix®
    for which they received patent #7,383,978

    Over the years he has authored over 50 industry related articles,
    won numerous design awards and in 1994 was inducted into Business Forms,
    Labels and Systems Magazine's "Business Forms Hall of Fame."

    Since 2001, Steve has focused his efforts on Document Security.
    He has developed a number of Document Security Paper Products
    that are impossible to accurately duplicate.

    In the Medical Field, Steve has designed and developed secure state approved innovative
    Rx Paper Systems for computer printing patient medical prescriptions.

    In 2006, Steve won an AWARD OF EXCELLENCE in the INNOVATION category of the 2006 Print Excellence And Knowledge (PEAK) competition sponsored by Print Solutions Magazine, published by the Document Management Industries Association (DMIA), Alexandria, Va.

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    Temperature Sensitive Security Document
    Patent Number 5,636,874
    secure demo
    Press Release announcing the patent issued on the Micro Format
    Temperature Sensitive Security Document

    Micro Format, Inc. - 830-3 Seton Court - Wheeling, Illinois 60090

    For Immediate Release

    Date: July 1997
    Contact: Stephen A. Singer
    Phone: 847/520-4699
    Fax: 947/520-0197
    e-mail: support@4securitypaper.com

    Temperature Sensitive Security Document

    Wheeling, Illinois --- Micro Format, Inc. a specialty paper manufacturer and business forms distributor announced that patent number 5,636,874 has been issued for their Temperature Sensitive Security Document. This "pro-active" security feature incorporates the use of "temperature sensitive ink" printed on "at least a portion of one of the surfaces" to identify an original document. When touched or rubbed, the portion of the Temperature Sensitive Security Document on which the ink is printed, changes color, returning within moments to it's original color state.

    This patent applies to checks, certificates, coupons, tickets and other "one-of-a-kind" valuable documents. Documents incorporating this unique color change capability, are impossible to accurately duplicate using a color copier or scanner.

    Steve Singer, President of Micro Format, indicated that his patent application has been in process for many years. Now that the patent has been issued, he is currently investigating "partnering relationships" with companies interested in using his patented Color Change Document Security feature.
    For additional information, contact Steve Singer at Micro Format ... 847/520-4699.

    Page 2 - Temperature Sensitive Security Document

    Micro Format, Inc. is a Business Forms Company which currently manufactures a unique line of Art, Crafts and Technology Paper Products for use in color ink jet printers. Their product line of specialty coated paper products includes Super Color Ink Jet Paper, Art Canvas, Window Cling Stick Decals, Greeting Card and Envelope kits, and their new SUPER COLOR SHRINK material. These unique products can be found in stores and direct marketing catalogs nationwide and on the Micro Format Imagination Gallery Web Site -- http://www.paper-paper.com

    "When we first applied for the patent for our Temperature Sensitive Security Document invention" Said Singer, "Our focus was on developing unique business related products. The need for a way to easily identify an original document became apparent as low cost color copiers and color scanners entered the marketplace. Having had experience working with printed color change inks, we conceived the idea of combining temperature sensitive inks with security documents. Over the past five years, everyone has become aware of the need for protecting documents from forgery. This patented process can be used to protect Negotiable Documents including Checks, Tickets, Contracts, Coupons, Gift Certificates ... any valuable document.

    The following abstract is from the documentation for United States Patent 5,636,874 .

    Temperature Sensitive Security Document
    To prevent unauthorized duplication of important security documents, an improvement in security or protected documents is disclosed. The security document includes a substrate having top and bottom surfaces where at least one of the surfaces is adapted to carry printed copy thereon.
    A colored background is printed on at least a portion of one of the surfaces. such as the surface which is adapted to carry printed copy, using a temperature sensitive ink. The security document also includes copy printed on at least a portion of the one of the surfaces adapted to carry printed copy thereon. With these features of construction, the security or protected document contemplates the copy being printed by utilizing a temperature insensitive ink.


    Flip-Pix® Patent
    United States Patent 7,383,978 ~ June 10, 2008

    Inventors: Michlin; Irving R. (Salt Point, NY), Singer; Stephen A. (Wheeling, IL)

    Blank and method for forming a novelty product

    A single blank is provided with four removable sections which are sub-divided by lines of weakening and fold lines. The blank is foldable along a longitudinal line and transverse line to form the four sections into a four layer product. Upon removable from the blank, the four layer product may be manipulated to expose different sub-sections and, thus, provide different pictorial representations depending upon the imaging of the sub-sections. The sub-sections are imaged in a coordinated manner to produce different scenes.

    Micro Format, Inc. is a proud member of PSDA,
    (formerly Document Management Industries Association)

    Over Thirity consecutive Years

    Copyright © 2010- Micro Format, Inc., All Rights Reserved
    Micro Format, Inc.
    830-3 Seton Court ~ Wheeling, IL 60090
    800/333-0549 ~ FAX 847/520-0197